How to Use Internal Linking for the Greatest Effect

Internal link building is often a method is heavily overlooked within the SEO community. However it can be an extremely effective tool if used properly. Internal linking is also a good method of letting Google and other search engines know exactly what pages you want to see listed within the results.

If you use it effectively you will see the results come in overtime as your most popular pages start ranking well.

Linking To Pages To Help Users

One of the main purposes of having a website is to help our users find exactly what they want; this is even truer if you own a blog. Linking to other pages on our website will highlight to our users which site content is relevant and what content the search engines will index. Besides this it will also keep your users on your website longer meaning a higher chance of getting a conversion. This can even mean a conversion through them liking your Facebook page, or opting in.

One way to do this is to either link in our content when you find an opportunity or when it’s relevant. Having two pages that are similar could warrant you to link from one of them to the next. This is an opportunity to take if you think it will help your site users. As well as this there is an opportunity to link to your ‘Most popular pages’ Like HP Sangha SEO Page you might have seen this implemented on other successful blogs. It’s there for a reason as it enables your users to see exactly the value of your website in a short time period of time.

Linking To Help Other Pages’ Rank

Besides just linking to a page because it helps your users, it will have the side effect of actually increasing the rank of your other pages. This is especially true if you’re linking from a high authority page. If you find that one of your pages isn’t ranking how you want it to be you can actually implement an internal linking strategy to ensure that tour others pages are getting the link juice that it deserves.

However you should implement this strategy with caution. You don’t want to be inter linking too often as it will adversely affect your current page. If you take it sensibly then it can work to good effect.

To Help Your Home Page

The homepage is often the most important page on any website so any extra link juice won’t go to any harm. Sometimes other pages on your website can gain a lot of popularity through a good blog post. This can provide you with a great opportunity to link to your homepage and give it some of that authority. Doing so could actually positively help how your primary keyword ranks within the search engines, especially if you use the specific anchor text present.

However make sure you change what keywords you use to link to our homepage with as it could look suspicious. Also be aware of competitors seeing exactly what keywords you are trying to target.

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